European village renewal prize in 2000

Europäischer Dorferneuerungspreis 2000

Completely Bavaria and even Europe looked within the scope of the European village renewal prize in 2000 at the monastic village Windberg. The competition, for That Windberg was nominated as the Bacarian national champion, stood according to the motto: "Without future no past".

Completely Bavaria and even Europe looked within the scope of the European village renewal prize in 2000 at the monastic village Windberg. The competition, for That Windberg was nominated as the Bacarian national champion, stood according to the motto: "Without future no past" „Winderg is honoured with a European village renewal prize for a holistic, sustainable and appropriate for motto village development of outstanding quality under special recognition of the exemplary use of alternative energies and the successful symbiosis from old and new with the biggest planning quality".